
Affectionate Ginger Cat Can’t Stop Giving His Human Love And Cuddles

It’s a common misconception that cats are not affectionate, and they don’t need humans to have a happy life. Although cats are more independent than dogs and have their own distinct personalities, they still love humans and have subtle ways of making their affection known.

While all cats have unique and special personalities, there are some cats who love cuddling just as much as dogs. They have a reputation as the friendliest and most affectionate in the feline world and seem more interested to sit on laps than being alone.

Meet Jake, the most affectionate cat in the world. He loves his human so much that he can’t stop giving his human lots of kitty kisses and cuddles. As you can see in this sweet video below, Jack shows how much he loves his human by giving lots of kitty cuddles and the sweetest head bonks.

What a sweetheart of a kitty! We are sure that you will fall in love with this adorable ginger cat. If you don’t believe, scroll down to check out for yourself!

Watch the video here:

If you want to make your cat more affectionate, just remember the more you love him, the more he will love you in return.

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