
Internet Is Going Crazy Over This Coughing Cat Meme Because It Is Hilarious

At this moment, our only focus is on this cat coughing meme. This is a photoshopped image of a cat that has gone viral after Twitter user @aliahgeyes shared it with the caption: “This is how little kids cough.” The pic made its way into many Twitter profiles gained over 200,000 retweets and 630,000 likes.

It is a little disappointed that this cat’s face isn’t real but it doesn’t make it any less incredible and turned into a viral meme. The cat has an open-mouthed and big eyes, which was compared to the face little kids make when they cough. A few people even proved the likeness by posting videos and pictures of their own kids and siblings coughing.

Now, the internet is going crazy over this coughing cat meme. And there’s nothing better than when a new meme makes the Twitter utterly hyped. While some find extremely funny, whereas others think that it’s disturbing or offensive. If you don’t already follow the hilarious and incredibly strange Instagram account, @idascreatures, you probably should.

The original image was created by @idascreatures, who spends their spare time photoshopping a whole bunch of animals.

This is how lil kids cough.

A few people even proved the likeness by posting videos and pictures of their own kids and siblings coughing.

Like, why do kids really be looking like this when they cough?

Every. Single. Time.

I haven’t been able to sleep since that tweet that said this is how lil kids cough.

Like…what business does this cat have looking like Steve Buscemi?

Seriously, please help me.

I see no lie

He got the whole class sick

After extensive research, I present the coughing cat in its purist form.

There’s an actual Instagram page of animals like the coughing cat and it makes me so uncomfy.

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