
Curious Little Kitten Goes Crazy With Washing Machine

If you are a cat owner, you know that cats are often afraid of the washers, dryers, and vacuum cleaners. The reason is that these machines can sometimes be noisy or scary for them. However, that’s not the case with the adorable cat named Sully in this post because he really loves washing machines.

According to Sully’s owner, he loves to hang out in the laundry room and admire the different cycles the washing machine goes through. He also loves the variety of funny noises from the washing machine, and sometimes tries to play with the clothes inside the washer.

If you are in a bad mood and are looking for something funny to see, don’t look any further because Sully’s video is guaranteed to improve your mood and make your day better. Scroll down to watch this little kitty curiously checks out what’s inside this huge spinning robot. He’s just so lovable and funny!

Watch the cute video here:

As you can see in the video, he acts as if he has forgotten something in there, but sadly, it’s too late!

Cats can be easily entertained, so if your cat is bored, just turn on the washing machine and let the fun begin. If you love this video, please share it with your friends to brighten up their day!

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