
10+ Cat-Thieves That Were Caught Red-Pawed

Your cat may seem so cute and timid in front of you, purring and rubbing his facing against you to ask for food. However, when you’re not around, their sneak nature activates, and they are ready to steal any food within sight.

And to be serious, owners should be mindful when their cats try to get their paws on human food. Their digestion works differently from ours, and many foods, even common ones they love, like milk, can give them upset stomachs or worse. Chocolate and onions are especially dangerous, and should be kept away far out of reach.

Anyway, here’s a list of evil thieves in actions. Perhaps you might want to check on your food after this.

#1 Cookies snatcher.

#2 Never let go.

#3 “Itz ma pen.”

#4 Stealing from a kid.

#5 Can’t get enough of that smoked fish.

#6 Top-class thief.

#7 Diehard milk lover.

#8 Mission impossible.

#9 Balloon thief.

#10 Poor snowman!

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