
15+ People Who Keep Wild Animals As House Pets

When it comes to adopting a pet, cats and dogs can be the best choices. However, our house pets now have some competition because wild animal are quickly becoming common household pets. They can live as domestic animals and live with other pets peacefully. Although they may carry infectious diseases and parasites, they can be great pets as long as you care for them carefully, meet their special needs, and take them to vets regularly.

We have to remind you that keeping wild animals as pets can be dangerous. However, just take a look at these animals below and you will think about adding a wild animal into your house. Scroll down to see!

1. “I work at a bird banding station and we use ’burritos’ to weigh the owls we catch.”

2. The neighborhood is safe on his watch.

3. Domestication went well…

4. This cheetah demands cuddles from their caretaker.

5. This fox found a cozy spot!

6. An extravagant pet

7. This little boy got domesticated.

8. This hedgehog just loves long walks!

9. Best buds — just look at these cuties.

10. “This is my adorable baby squirrel.”

11. A raccoon eating peanut butter

12. “And yes, I do know how to train a dragon.”

13. “I have an actual possum!”

14. “How cute is she?”

15. “Once, we found an injured kangaroo. We kept him and we couldn’t stop collecting them. We have 17 of them now!”

16. A little fox

Have you ever wanted to adopt an unusual animal? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below! Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family!


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