Cats Rescue

Tiny Kitten Gets A New Life After Being Found Crying Alone Near Construction Site

Meet Chickpea, a tiny kitten who is living happily with her great owners in her loving home. Before moving into her forever home, she was rescued and fostered by Alley Cat Rescue Inc. Looking at her cute face, no one could know how tough her life in the past was.

Image credit: Alley Cat Rescue Inc

She used to be a poor kitten found crying alone at a construction site. Everyone assumed that because of all the noise the mom ran away. Thankfully, some rescuers at Alley Cat Rescue found her and took her in their care. They did everything they could to care for her, nurture her, and help her find her a great adopter.

Image credit: Alley Cat Rescue Inc

Due to being small and being left to fend for herself for many days, Chickpea was weak and needed the best care. The rescuers had to feed her every 2 hours round the clock. Unfortunately, her umbilical cord was infected and needed to be treated with antibiotics.

Image credit: Alley Cat Rescue Inc

Chickpea was not too fussy when the rescuers fed her. As long as she had milk to drink and a warm bed to sleep, she felt happy and comfortable. With constant care and lots of love, the tiny baby Chickpea started to show signs of recovery and slowly gained her health.

Image credit: Alley Cat Rescue Inc
Image credit: Alley Cat Rescue Inc

We are happy to know that Chickpea has grown up into the most adorable loving kitten! After everything happened to her in the past, she is enjoying her best life that she deserves. We hope that her life will be full of joy and love forever!

Image credit: Alley Cat Rescue Inc

Watch the full rescue here:

Alley Cat Rescue is leading the way in promoting humane and compassionate care for all cats. If you want to support them, you can visit here.

“We are sad that these instances happen and unfixed cats are running around trying to survive and have kittens on the street. We continue to put a huge amount on effort to spay and neuter #trapneuterreturn to sterilize and vaccinate adult community cats to try stop this crazy cycle,” Alley Cat Rescue shared their Facebook page.

Image credit: Alley Cat Rescue Inc

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