
10+ People Who Thought They Didn’t Need A Cat In Their Life

Some people just don’t like cats, and that’s okay. Some people even dislike pizza, chicken nuggets, or Duchess Diana. Maybe they had bad experience with the feline race or something like that, but love or hate is just a human perception, which can be changed over time. Also, there’s an undeniable fact that cats have their way to capture human hearts. You may have heard stories here and there about people’s change of heart for cats, and we would like to add some more to your library today. Scroll down for sweet stories about people who got cat-charmed.

#1 He used to dislike these little fur balls.

#2 Why are cats always attracted to people who hate them?

#3 My Dad, Who Hates Cats, Built Bunkbeds For My Boys

#4 My Boyfriend Said He Doesn’t Like Cats. This Is Him Now

#5 Boyfriend Says He Does Not Like Cats. I Think He Is Full Of Shit

#6 I Wanted A Cat. My “Not A Cat Person” Boyfriend Did Not. We Got One Because It Would Make Me Happy. Guess Whose Cat She Is

#7 My Dad Swears He Hates Cats

#8 I’m Not A Cat Person But I’ll Make An Exception

#9 My Dad Never Wanted A Cat, And Look At Him Now

#10 Got Leeroy A Couple Weeks Back. Girlfriend Didn’t Want A Cat And Still Tells Friends She Hates Him. Yeah, Ok

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