
20 Photos That Show Cats Are Not Always Nice And Fluffy

Think your cat is purring because she or he is happy to see you? Not always! Cats are finicky creatures with moods that can quickly change from happy to upset and even angry. Sometimes, they are so mad that we can see strange things in their behavior: their unnatural poses, the way they look at you, and the big eyes that have a fire burning in them. At that time, continuing to prod an angry and tough cat is not only disrespectful, it’s also dangerous. So, you need to understand when you should avoid them and give them space instead of escalating the situation.

We came across some photos that show cats are not always nice and fluffy. From cats who are clearly judging you, to felines who stare at you with fiery eyes, all of them are trying to hide their dark side in vain. But no matter how tough they are, we agree that they’re still cute and great. If you don’t believe, scroll down to check for yourself!

1. “Wanted to take a charming photo of a cat taking care of its sick owner. The question is — which of us is really sick?”

2. — Rush around the room, eat the flower, spill the soil on the floor, and leave a puddle on the laminate!
— But I am not allowed to do that!
— You must!

3. “I don’t know what happened, but I’d better stay at my friends’ overnight.”

4. This kitten looks like a little lord of darkness.

5. We wouldn’t want to come across him in a dark alley.

6. Who summoned me?

7. When visiting the kitchen doesn’t promise anything good:

8. This cat is familiar with black magic for sure.

9. If you look at this cute kitten long enough, you’ll end up having chills down your spine.

10. Contact with the higher powers has been successfully established.

11. The connection with a different world has been established as well.

12. He seems to be plotting something.

13. What made him get into this strange pose?

14. Bookshelves have eyes too.

15. “I heard that if a cat sees a circle, he will definitely sit inside of it. But here something went hilariously wrong.”

16. My human is behaving badly again!

17. Your face looks like this when you are making plans to conquer the world.

18. “Watching my mom’s animals while she is away… was not warned about this one.”

19. If you suddenly see this, you might want to run away and leave all your property to this cat.

20. “So my girlfriend saw this at the front door at 3:00 AM. We don’t have a cat.”

Does your cat act so weird? We would be glad to hear from you in comments!

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