
10+ Sleepy Kittens Doing What They Do Best – Sleep

Kittens spend most of their day sleeping. When your kitten finally does settle in for a nap, we’re sure you’ll agree they’re darned cute, and we’re sure you’ll say “awww.”
Cats normally sleep 16 hours a day, but kittens and senior cats can sleep for as much as 18 hours a day. Kittens prefer to sleep snuggled up to you, another animal or even a warm blanket as they are used to napping cuddled up with their brothers and sisters.
Nothing is more adorable than a sleeping, purring little kitten, so we made a list that will make you melt like chocolate in the sun! Here are some of the cutest cats you will ever see doing what they do best, napping!

#1 Baby wigglefloof

#2 Omar Asleep In A Tissue Box

#3 Mom And Her Baby

#4 Nap Time

#5 Sleeping Cat

#6 Sleeping Kitty

#7 Sweet Dreams

#8 Sleeping Beauty

#9 Friends

#10 Sleeping Kitties

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