
15+ Photos Proving That Animals Are Just Like Us

We humans like to view ourselves as the only creatures with emotions and thoughts, but it turns out we have plenty in common with animals. Many scientific studies have shown that we are not the only organisms to feel and express feelings. Animals can express the same emotions that we experience in everyday life, including happiness, sadness, fear, anger, and surprise. Sometimes, they even exhibit emotional responses and behave like us.

If you don’t believe us, just take a look at 18 pictures of animals that we collected below. We are sure that you will understand their emotions immediately. Scroll down to check for yourself!

1. “Look at this, guys!”

2. When the doctor tells you you’re pregnant:

3. Looks like someone is going to have a serious talk…

4. The very moment when you can’t break the awkward silence:

5. When you’ve been plotting your revenge for a long time:

6. When you’ve decided to start a diet and are waiting for a break:

7. When the weather is nice outside but you’re stuck in the office:

8. When you overhear somebody talking about you:

9. Thinking about the upcoming weekend makes everyone happier.

10. When you’re in a bad mood and want to be naughty:

11. When you’re told that it’s time to grow up:

12. When someone is disturbing you from work again:

13. When you make an extremely silly face in order to be left alone:

14. When you watch some of your colleagues leave for a vacation:

15. When you do something weird and think that no one sees you:

16. The guaranteed condition at the end of every workweek

17. When someone calls your favorite activity nonsense:

18. “Sit down, human. We need to talk.”

Are you a pet owner? Do your pets act like you? We’d love to see your beloved pets, so feel free to share their photos with us in the comments below!

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