
Bulldog Became Exceptionally Sensitive To His Owner’s Musical Performance In His Car, and Then They Sang A Duet Perfectly

It is believed that dogs and their owners look much alike in both personalities and physical features. They start to resemble each other after a while. Dogs are prone to take after their owner quickly and imitate each sort of their owner’s behavior.

More interestingly, these dogs also have the same passion as their owners. It is evident that if the owner is keen on music, a dog can have a great sense of melody. And it is valid for this below case when the owner’s favorite song turns into his dog’s favorite.

Junior – a French Bulldog, was known universally for becoming a main actor on the singing video. This bulldog Junior with cow-like fur, looked so relaxed while showing his musical interest.

His owner, Walter Ledermüller, has a big passion for music performance, especially in his car. Of course, his dog also pursues this hobby. Walter always takes his dog with him and plays his favorite eventful songs in his car. They had many fun times together, and Walter knew Junior became an essential part of his life.

In this video, when Walter started to play his frenzied song of Rihanna – “Diamonds,” his dog became incredibly excited. They sang a duet of “Diamond” together, and Junior kept his eye on this song’s rhythm with superb music composition. You might be surprised by their vocal abilities in the perfect teamwork.Watch the full video below.

Walter has developed his own Youtube channel to share these funny moments with his dog. It is not the first time they have a duet together; many famous songs are performed and uploaded on their Youtube. You can see the video of Frozen’s “Let It Go” and the all-time classic, “You Raise Me Up.” Junior always shows his natural manner in front of the camera and does not forget to give his prior signal to his owner to take every song’s lead.

H/T: Majestic Animals

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