Even though we are gradually losing our trust in humanity, we still can’t deny the fact that there are countless kind-hearted people everywhere in this world. The officers at Mangwon police station, Seoul are a great example. They do not only come to the locals’ aid, they also lend a helping hand to animals in need.
This ginger tabby kitten was rescued by these compassionate officers after being abandoned on the streets with an untreated hernia. No one wanted to take care of the poor soul, so the kind officers decided to take him in themselves.

They collected money to pay for his surgery and thankfully, it was quite successful. After the kitten fully recovered, they quickly adopted him. That lucky kitty was named Mango.

After moving in, Mango officially became the mascot of Mangwon police station and he has been living a fabulous life since then. In addition to playing around or sleeping on the manager’s chair, Mango also helps with supervising and customer service.

In other words, he helps reduce the policemen’s stress due to the heavy workload and cheer their visitors up. He improves their working environment in the most adorable way pawsible, and everybody loved Mango.

Let’s take a peek at this cute boi:
The officer later adopted another cat named Mangwon who resembles their Mango, and their relationship is just hilarious! They truly look like each other a lot, except Mango’s tail is a little bit curly while Mangwon’s tail is completely straight.

The two tabby cats always fight but most of the time it’s just their way to play with one another. When they’re tired of having too much fun, they take a break and cuddle, or sometimes groom each other. Such a funny duo!

Here is the sweet life of Mango and Mangwon at the police station:
Aren’t these two cats endearing? Please share their delightful story with your friends and family!