
Kitten Ate Stones To Survive While Being Stuck Underground

Life on the streets is hard, but it’s even harder for young animals without a mother nearby to love and guide them. They not only have to fend for themselves, they also face plenty of unforeseen risks that could take their lives away literally any minute.

This little stray kitten accidentally fell into a hole and then got stuck in a ditch for almost a week. Trapped in a dark, dirty place all alone with no food nor water, it’s not hard to imagine how terrified he was. Day after day, the passerby heard him crying out loud for help desperately from below, but no one knew exactly where that whining sound came from.

Thankfully, some kind-hearted ladies had contacted Kritter Klub – an animal channel in the country for help. The rescue team showed up immediately after hearing about the pitiful kitty’s circumstance. After putting a bowl of food into the hole, they finally caught a glimpse of the cat as he came out to eat then disappeared real quick. The baby feline seemed like a two-month-old tabby.

Screenshot, Kritter Klub

The next day, the team quickly embarked on analyzing the situation and mapped out a plan of action. The rescue even involved a vet, the traffic police, the authorities and many supporters nearby, all of them were there for the luckless kitten.

Screenshot, Kritter Klub

With the help of so many compassionate people, their work went on pretty smoothly. First they blocked an end of the passage which was really dangerous as it led to rainwater storage, and then they put a net down the hole to trap the baby cat.

Screenshot, Kritter Klub

The only problem was that little kitty was just too cautious, he only approached the trap to get the food and then swiftly left within few seconds. They missed the cat, twice.

Screenshot, Kritter Klub

Eventually, just as they thought he was running away towards another water storage and rapidly blocked the way with a manhole cover, the kitten suddenly used the cover as a ladder to climb up himself. Such a clever boy!

Screenshot, Kritter Klub

The rescue team quickly rushed him to a vet clinic for timely checkout. They were relieved to know that he was totally fine, except for some small stones in his stomach which he ate while being stuck underground. The poor boy must have been staving.

Screenshot, Kritter Klub

Watch the pawsome rescue here (don’t forget to hit the CC button for English subtitles):

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