Cats Dogs

20 Funny Cat-Vs-Dog Moments That Perfectly Define Their Relationship

No matter how cats and dogs are often said to be mortal enemies and how this world is divided into cat people and dog people, it’s no secret that these furry guys can live with each other perfectly well under the same roof. Why choose between cats and dogs when you can just adopt them both? Of course there will be not-so-peaceful moments, but it’s how all kinds of relationships work. As long as they don’t go too far, you can freely let your cats and dogs be themselves and treat the other however they want to.

Need more reasons to believe us? Below is a funny collection that proves how entertaining and delightful life with both dogs and cats could be, scroll down and enjoy!

#1. Best friends!

Image source: manos_porf

#2. “Dis iz how I feel about pics with my brofur.”

Image source: penelopelovejoy

#3. The two bestest friends you ever did see!

Image source: naara.thehusky

#4. “Listen cat, you’re lucky I’m on a leash.”

Image source: susiecutiedoggie

#5. “Back off hooman, this doggo is mine.”

Image source: bisanis

#6. “Uhm, some privacy pawlease?”

Image source: waduuuu.thegolden

#7. “Can somebody get this thing off meow?”

Image source: sofaytheshiba

#8. “What’s dat smell? Another b!tch?”

Image source: titti_grasso_music

#9. “I’m not sure if I like my baby brother…”

Image source: sitka_sleepcat

#10. Lifetime protector.

Image source: flakixz92

#11. “Gots to be careful in front of da cat.”

Image source: siriustotoblack

#12. “My sister likes to scare me sometimes by popping out of her favourite box…”

Image source: bella_meller

#13. “I can smell it but where is it?”

Image source: doggy_mellow

#14. “Gotta sniff senior kitty. You never know what she is up to. Can’t trust her.”

Image source: hajduk_the_great

#15. “We are besties, bro.”

Image source: argo.staffordshire

#16. “Mom, the clawy, scratchy, bitey, thing is in my spot!”

Image source: oh_kenobi

#17.”Cat stealing the bed again!”

Image source: cruz_puppy

#18. “It’s nap time!”

Image source: zuzu_gets_her_wings

#19. “Diz too much, who do you think you are?”

Image source: zivotzemle

#20. The older brother vs his younger sister.

Image source: spidey.sweetie

If you love these adorable fur babies, please share this post with your friends and family!

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