
People Are Sharing Weird Pics Of Their “Broken” Cats, And They Are All Hilarious

When it comes to the art of acting weird, cats are hands down masters. Even when we have shared a home with them for years, there are still many times we just can’t get the reason why they act like they are malfunctioning and totally losing their minds, but there’s no denying that their silly performances make them way more adorable somehow. Strange, right?

r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat is a subreddit where people share hilarious photos of their cats when they fail to cat, and they will give you a good laugh for sure. Before visiting this amusing community for more delightful moments of “broken” kitties, check out 30 outstanding pics we have collected for you right here:

#1. Sylvie is still figuring out how the new cat tower works.

Image source: XIRisingIX

#2. That time Whiskey lost her head.

Image source: miso_sweet

#3. He sits like this and stares at me, why???

Image source: gbyfvnhudm

#4. Reggie thinks he’s a people, sits accordingly. Freyja watches her adorable dimwit brother.

Image source: KingSofaOfTheSlugs

#5. I’m SO mad! I think Morty ripped up my paper towels, but I can’t find him anywhere!

Image source: Cronchy_Tacos

#6. Toast and Dootness went down the river in a boat, Pooka fell out. Who was left? That’s right. Toast and Doot.

Image source: dootinabox

#7. Our cat is straight up squat/kneading on our sleeping dog right now. They are not usually this chill with each other. Anyone seen this before??

Image source: 1responsiblegirl

#8. Gary likes to show off his fangs.

Image source: xXAlucardXx

#9. “Is this sitting?”

Image source: Obeyus

#10. She was chasing a bug and got stuck.

Image source: Juniper118

#11. Drip too hard, don’t stand too close.

Image source: Azsnee09

#12. A little unsettling…

Image source: nimerlie1219

#13. She’s been like this for 10 minutes…

Image source: kkBORA

#14. My brother’s cat is weird.

Image source: ffarkas27

#15. This is Boots. He is a natural Derp.

Image source: Diva_Bot

#16. I actually captured the moment when Kevin’s brain came to a screeching halt.

Image source: KingSofaOfTheSlugs

#17. Is this… comfortable?

Image source: macrolenses

#18. Anyone know what the warranty is on these things? Pretty sure mine is malfunctioning.

Image source: ExtraGingerSpice

#19. Reading makes my kitty mlem…?

Image source: lkuecrar

#20. What the heck is little Asmodeus doing there with his arms?

Image source: Meshugugget

#21. Chewie the hysterical.

Image source: cptvlan

#22. She sat in here for a good 10 minutes, the strange girl…

Image source: summerpeachxox

#23. I told her to get off the back of the couch and this is the look I got…

Image source: Silver-ishWolfe

#24. Pretty sure she’s possessed.

Image source: PepeYoMama

#25. Seems comfortable.

Image source: bolzani_br

#26. Normally he lays on my shoes. Getting in them is a first.

Image source: BigTallNGinger

#27. He sat like that for some time.

Image source: rawberryfields

#28. Faith Kittenpants as a wee kitten, doing her best ‘Wassup’ impression.

Image source: Kittenpants2007

#29. What would you know about comfort?

Image source: cptvlan

#30. Kira the cat really wanted to taste this water…

Image source: mmeadow

Please share this lovely collection with your friends and family!

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