Cats RescueTiny Kitten Abandoned Under A Tree Gets Rescued And Becomes A Playful CatMaria Vergara24/05/2021 by Maria Vergara24/05/202102535 Nikki Martinez and her husband were going out when they saw a tiny kitten crying under tree branches. The black kitten was all alone and...
Cats RescueCat Brought To Clinic To Be Put To Sleep But The Vet Had Other PlansAnnie24/05/2021 by Annie24/05/2021030434 Some professions require not only knowledge and skills, but they also require a compassionate soul and a golden heart. Luckily, Dr. Matt McGlasson happens to...
Dogs RescueHungry And Scared Puppies Got Overwhelmed With Joy After Being RescuedAnnie24/05/202124/05/2021 by Annie24/05/202124/05/202107169 Every dog is a good dog who deserves to be loved and cared for, but sadly not many of them get to live safely and...
Cats RescueBobcat Frozen To Train Tracks Gets Rescued Just In TimeMaria Vergara02/04/2021 by Maria Vergara02/04/2021020962 A bobcat was enjoying his breakfast outside of Trail in B.C.’s West Kootenay region, when his hind paws were frozen to the train track due to...
Cats RescueLittle Kittens Walk Right Up To Man And Ask Him To Save ThemMaria Vergara23/10/2020 by Maria Vergara23/10/202004590 An animal rescuer named Chris Poole recently found three baby kittens wandering the streets. They didn’t have a home or anyone to care for them,...