
Photographer Captured Three Lynxes Smiling Uniformly In One Shoot

Recently, a not-so-famous photographer succeeded in shooting a photo that many people cannot believe exists: three lynxes appearing in one photo, smiling with their full teeth just like an Internet meme.

A close-up shot of a lynx

This photo, when being published on the Internet, creates a big argument within the photography community. Many photographers cannot believe that it is possible to capture such an amazing moment. It’s hard to photograph three lynxes at a time, but exactly when they are smiling is even more challenging!

Someone said that “When you admire certain shots, you think that perfection can really be approached.” When the skills, arrangement, good timing, creativity, along with the support of equipment, complement each other at the perfect rate, a once-in-a-lifetime masterpiece will be created.

Just take this “legendary” photo of Mike Mayou, a professional photographer who managed to “immortalize” the three beautiful lynxes smiling, as an example. The perfect mixture of light, movements, scenery, and pose seems unbelievable like the lynxes have learned beforehand.

They were so amazed by the camera drone.

Let Mayou explain how he caught his masterpiece shot. Everything began on a cloudy day in Minnesota, along the banks of the St. Louis River. Mike Mayou was flying his camera drone, seeking for the best capture of the striking nature. He carefully scanned all shots to pick out the best camera angles possible.

Look over here; there were three beautiful bobcats. These felines seemed to be intrigued and intimidated by the strange flying object, suddenly appearing in front of their sights.

After a few minutes of probing, the cats started getting used to the buzzing signal. They had familiarized themselves with the drone so much that they even came to a point: pose one behind another on the tree’s trunk, with the most adorable smirk.

Overwhelming of that striking moment, Mike Mayou quickly captured those photos. He could never think of shooting that image, which made it even more fascinating.

Three lynxes smirk at the camera.

As a nature lover, Mike doesn’t want to disturb the lynxes further. He quickly removes his drone after carefully ensuring that this photo is saved. Mike walks away, happily thinking about his photo, which will go down in the history of photography.

In fact, there is a huge argument spreading over the photography community right after its release. Most people cannot figure out how Mayou can guide the lynxes to sit next to each other, in uniform, and having such unnatural pose? Our explanation mentioned above has powerfully defeated all counterarguments.

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