
Meet The Blue Waxbill – The Only “Yellowish Underpants” In The Bird World

Blue Waxbill, sometimes called Southern Cordon-bleu, is distinctive from other bird species for its signature yellowish underpants and brownish back. From a distance these two complement each other well, creating a cordon-bleu strip.

Scientifically, the blue waxbill (Uraeginthus Angolensis) belongs to the estrildid finch family clan. They have light blue cheeks, curvy breasts, and throat, followed by pale brown flanks.

Blue waxbill

What makes the waxbill distinguished is the pale brown underpants part. Under that beautiful underpants is the yellowish buff with fluffy furs, making it look like a cordon-bleu ball.

In the waxbill community, the female is paler than the male, with the blue strip spreading to the rump, tail, head, and breast. The female has a grayish belly, while the male is born with a dark blue tummy.

Regarding the waxbill’s location, nowadays, they are widely found in Southern Africa, especially in Congo, Tanzania, to Kenya. Scientists have recently found them in Sao Tomé island and Zanzibar, where they were first found.

In terms of species quantity, the blue waxbill is considered quite crowded. Their high population stems from their high adaptability. Originally, they live well in humid places and semi-arid savannas.

Blue waxbills can live well in any location.

However, suppose there is no proper location like so; they can survive in many different habitats and slowly adapt to the condition. No matter where they choose, the most important point for choosing a settlement is: near the water source. Those birds are smart enough to find a place that provides them with water – an essential source to survive.

In terms of food, blue waxbills prefer eating grass seed, insects, and termites. Fallen fruits like Albitrunca are their favorite fruit, too.

Another reason for their dense population is that these birds breed all year round. The standard egg-laying period starts from January. In the meantime, both females and males will build a nest on a bush or high tree. Then, laying 2-7 eggs with the 11-12 days of incubation.

Let’s dive deep into blue waxbill’s nesting technique. Looking from outside, their settlement looks like delicate balls made from brownish grass. The bird carefully chooses the best seed grass and places each strip lightly to create the outer branches of the nest.

Blue waxbill has high adaptability.

With such construction, the nest can protect that all the newly-born chicks from predators. To add-in, blue waxbills often build their nest in proximity to other active waxbill settlements to strongly ward off potential predators.

The chicks will be born after two weeks. In the next 17-21 days, the parents feed their children until they grow big enough. After that period, the new-born bird can live separately, as they have high adaptability.

The African residents love blue waxbill because they can make early natural disaster forecasts. For instance, when the drought is about to come, they will give a loud, high-pitched “tsee-tsee-tsee” howl.

For such distinctive ability, the waxbill is protected by people so they can live happily and peacefully among the human community.

Whenever the bird is called “tsee-tsee,” it’s time for people to prepare quickly.

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