
10+ Moments Of Cats Having Catnip And Cat.exe Crashing Right Afterwards

If you are a cat owner, having small bags of green powder in your store means something completely different from what most people might think. It’s known to be a magical dust that can turn domestic house cats into wild jungle kitties with in 2 seconds! It has the ability to make them still, motionless just like a stone covered in fur. Welcome to the miraculous world of catnip, and the stoned cats who won’t stop taking it.

The word ‘catnip’ comes from nepeta cataria that’s a herb that’s very similar to mint. This herb, whether fresh or dry, secretes a chemical known as nepetalactone. This chemical compound activates a response from pheromone receptors of cats. Simply said, it makes cats lose their mind and go crazy when they smell this herb. If the plant is taken in orally, it works as a sedative for cats. However, every cat has a different reaction to this magic herb, and some may be immune to its effects and might not even be bothered at all. While, others… Well.

Check out this list that we’ve compiled for you and you’ll know exactly what we want to say. These cats go through serious catnip effects, you might as well wish to be on their highness level.

#1 Kitteh’s 1st time on the nip.

#2 Look Who Found The Catnip While I Was Out

#3 My Cat Felix, High Off His Ass On Catnip

#4 Our Cat Gets High On Catnip, Then Sits On The Couch And Watches Family Guy For Hours. I Walked In On Her Like This

#5 Catnip, Not Even Once

#6 Catnip Catnap

#7 So I Put Some Catnip In Our Food Dehydrator And Came To Find This

#8 Catnip + Cat Pole: Awkward Family Situation (Mother And Son)

#9 Just My Cat Enjoying Some Catnip In The Sun. He Was Seriously Sleeping Like This

#10 When The Catnip Kicks In

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