
Cute Dog Guards His Precious Toys While They Dry

Mika is a cute dog who loves his toys since he was a puppy. He is so gentle with his precious toys that they tend to last over the years. He loves cuddling them and playing with them, but he is always careful to make sure they are never broken. And of course, he’s always been protective of his toys.

“Mika has very strong sheepdog behavior, especially when it comes to guarding things,” Vanessa, whose family owns Mika, told The Dodo. “If we finished doing laundry and accidentally dropped a pair of socks he would steal them away to his bed and wouldn’t let anyone near [them].”

After being used for a long time, his toys had become a bit dirty and smelly. Mika’s family wanted to give his toys a wash, but separating Mika from them seemed impossible.

Until one day, Mika went out for a walk, and his mom had a chance to wash the toys. But when Mika returned, he refused to come inside when he saw his precious toys hanging on the washing line. He immediately sat in the yard and protected them while they dried.

“When he came back through the back gate with my dad he immediately walked onto the grass and stared up at the washing line,” Vanessa said. “After looking at my mum, and then back at the line, he put his bum on the ground and wouldn’t come to her call.”

Vanessa shared the cute photo on Reddit, and it quickly went viral. “My mum washed all the dog’s toys. And now he won’t come in the house without them.”

Finally, the toys dried, and Mika was reunited with them. He happily played with them and started to get them dirty all over again.

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