Cats Rescue

Kitten Hit By Car Gets Rescued And Becomes A Blissful Cat

A tiny kitten was found in terrible condition at the side of the street. She was hit by a car and was in very bad shape. Her injuries were serious and she had a slim chance of survival. However, the people who found her refused to leave her fend for herself. They took her to a vet clinic, where the vets tried their best to save her life.

Screenshot: AnimalSTEP Official

At the vet clinic, she got proper medical treatment and care. Due to her serious injuries, she had to spend long time to treat them and gain her health. But thanks to all the love and care of everyone at the clinic, she started to recover. After one month at the vet, she made a full recovery and her health was nursed back to normal.

Screenshot: AnimalSTEP Official

She now becomes a cute and healthy cat. She doesn’t hesitate to show off her sweet personality. She is always happy and playful. She loves to play with other kittens and loves to discovery everything around her. From an injured and weak stray kitten, she turns into a healthy cute cat. What an amazing transformation!

Screenshot: AnimalSTEP Official

Watch the full rescue here:

After horrific things happened to her in the past, she has found a forever home where she is loved and cared by kind-hearted people. She will no longer fend for herself on the streets and face with danger anymore. Her future is full of happiness and love.

Screenshot: AnimalSTEP Official

Thank you for saving and bringing this adorable little angel back to a beautiful life forever. She now becomes healthy and happy again without pain, thanks to your love and care. We are very thankful everyone that support her medical bills.

Screenshot: AnimalSTEP Official

Love to animals is the purest kind of love, people please be kind to animals, animals are Gods gift to humanity. Please share this post with your friends and family members to make their day!

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