Many of us adore twins simply because of their similar looks. Yes, it’s no secret that their charms are always doubled when they stand together, and that magic also works for animals. In this post, we would like to introduce you incredibly endearing cats who resemble their siblings in the most lovely way pawsible. Maybe they come from the same litter, maybe they don’t, but it doesn’t really matter. The only thing that matters here is their irresistible cuteness!
Scroll down and check them out:
#1. Miss Cricket is not pleased that her big brother Gepetto found her favorite bed.

#2. “Uhm… some privacy pawplease?”

#3. “I didn’t do it!” / “Me Neither!”

#4. “What do you mean we don’t own this chair?”

#5. A fabulous duo.

#6. Sometimes miracles come in pairs.

#7. These orange eyes tho…

#8. Cute little 12-week-old squishies.

#9. “Trust me, it was her!”

#10. Thor and Loki – their names say it all.

#11. “Bro, see that thang up there?”

#12. Let’s feel some love.

#13. Same blood, same interest.

#14. Who could resist such magnetism anyway?

#15. Summer is here so don’t forget to hydrate!

#16. Okay, Artemis and Apollo don’t really resemble each other, but… their name, their name!

#17. Enjoying the evening sun together.

#18. These bandanas suit them purrfectly.

#19. Just wanna drown in those eyes…

#20. Gorgeous cuddle bugs!

#21. This can only mean one thing: a mouse is hiding behind the basket…

#22. “Hi there, you have something for us?”