Cats Rescue

Loving Abandoned Cat Never Wanted To Leave His Rescuers’ Side

We all love to watch touching animal rescues where sad, sick dogs or cats are saved, healed and transformed into cheerful, healthy critters with a bright smile on their faces. The abandoned cat in this story, however, was totally fine. He wasn’t hurt, but his sweet personality was enough to bring us to tears.

Screenshot, Flatbush Cats

Little Bear was spotted trying to sneak into a Brooklyn resident’s home from the front porch with a heavy chain around his neck. The Flatbush Cats volunteers had rescued countless felines, but this one was definitely one of the most attached, loving cats they had ever met.

Screenshot, Flatbush Cats

They simply couldn’t understand why such an amazing kitty could be abandoned in the first place, he was only 12 months old back then.

Screenshot, Flatbush Cats

The charming bicolor cat always wanted to stick with his humans, he was just thrilled to be indoors again. Little Bear couldn’t help kneading (making biscuits) all the time even when he was sitting up, and it’s not hard to notice how happy and content he was.

Screenshot, Flatbush Cats

After several days of rest, the energetic Little Bear was ready to be a normal young cat one more time! He loved playing around the house and had impressive hunting skills. Needless to say, his rescuers couldn’t be any happier to spend time with this little guy, he was the highlight of their day.

Screenshot, Flatbush Cats

But more than playtime, the lucky cat’s favorite activity was napping with his beloved humans. Little Bear was seriously the cuddliest cat out there!

Screenshot, Flatbush Cats

Of course, finding a forever home for such an endearing kitty wasn’t troublesome at all. To make sure he could get all the care and attention he desperately needed, they found Little Bear new kind-hearted dads who had tons of time to share with this young boi! It’s safe to say our lovely cat would never be alone, again.

Screenshot, Flatbush Cats

Watch the moving rescue here:

Please share Little Bear’s heartwarming story with your loved ones!




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