If you are looking for some irresistible cuteness to brighten up your day, this adorable tabby kitten is right here to put a smile on your face! Even when you have seen a thousand videos of different cats already, we guarantee that little cutie is still able to steal your heart in the blink of an eye, just like she does with us.
It’s no secret that flowers are a stunningly beautiful gift of nature, but did you know they could be even more breathtaking with a kitten in the scene? This is her very first trip to the outside world and needless to say, the tiny cat is literally thrilled. Thankfully, her parents have chosen a fairly enchanting landscape for their furbaby to freely explore.

The tiny girl is a bit scared at first. She doesn’t even have the audacity to go out of the backpack and when her parents finally put her on the ground, she stays still for a while – which is pretty normal for any kid who has been raised indoors.

But then, it doesn’t take long for this brave girl to make her first moves – well, cats are naturally curious creatures after all! As the baby cat gradually starts walking, it’s not hard to notice that her body is trembling with nervousness (or maybe excitement).
Once she begins to feel safer, she has no trouble discovering this brand new environment. The charming girl quickly climbs the trees like a pro though, she was born an explorer just like all the cats in this world!

And the moment the young cat gets close to the peach blossoms, she curiously sniffs and even tries to taste some petals. To be honest, she looks like a charming and proud princess up there!

Let’s take a peek at this sweet gal:
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