
This Twitter Account Shares Hilarious Pics Of Cats In Places They’re Not Supposed To Be

If you are a cat lover, you definitely know how weird yet adorable these fur babies are! Cats have always been curious and flexible critters who could literally fit into anything they find tempting enough to discover. Your musical instruments, your boxes, your cars or even your toilets… there is absolutely no place these mischievous kitties can’t sneak in. It’s hard to say we are surprised, but such funny moments never cease to amaze us anyway.

catsplacess is a Twitter account that collects hilarious pictures of cats in random places and no matter where they are, they still have the irresistible charm that makes us hardly take our eyes off these lovely cuties. Just look at them and you’ll see what we mean!

#1. “Can you strum a few bars, pawlease?”

Twitter, catsplacess

#2. Wait, is it an elephant?

Twitter, catsplacess

#3. That looks like an attack about to happen.

Twitter, catsplacess

#4. Peeka boo!

Twitter, catsplacess

#5. “May I have your order?”

Twitter, catsplacess

#6. I feel you kitty, it’s boring.

Twitter, catsplacess

#7. “I added cameras to improve the security system, sir.”

Twitter, catsplacess

#8. “They said there was a mousie over here!”

Twitter, catsplacess

#9. Me trying to social distance…

Twitter, catsplacess

#10. “Defying Gravity is my favorite hobby!”

Twitter, catsplacess

#11. “Wow, I am bootiful!”

Twitter, catsplacess

#12. “Whaddaya mean? This guy loves meow.”

Twitter, catsplacess

#13. Kitten impawsible.

Twitter, catsplacess

#14. Automatically set with the “purrrr” ringtone.

Twitter, catsplacess

#15. “I own you, hooman!”

Twitter, catsplacess


#16. Danger mitts!!

Twitter, catsplacess

#17. Cats are solid and liquid. Here we have proof.

Twitter, catsplacess

 #18. “Honey, have you found the cat?” / “No, but the towel is scratching me!”

Twitter, catsplacess

#19. Cat version of ripped jeans.

Twitter, catsplacess

#20. She says it’s “take your cat to work” day!

Twitter, catsplacess

#21. Those eggs look a little fuzzy…

Twitter, catsplacess

#22. “1234 is not a safe password, Dave.”

Twitter, catsplacess

#23. “What am I doing here? Judging you of course!”

Twitter, catsplacess

Please share this lovely collection with your friends and family!

H/T: Bored Panda

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