
20+ Jealous Cats Who Aren’t Very Happy That They’re Not The Center Of Attention

If you own one or a few cat, you probably know these furry buddies have a truly different way to speak out their minds. Cats’ body language is hard to understand and even though they are not good at expressing their thoughts and feelings as dogs, they do love you, a lot. In contrast to the aloof poker face that they often show you, cats sometimes are really clingy, needy, and want attention bad. They could even be very jealous if they are not the ones in the spotlight of the house.

In this post, we have collected 23 funny pictures of jealous cats who desperately need their pawrents’ attention while trying to play it cool, and they are all too cute to handle! How could we ignore such adorably amusing critters? Just scroll down and they will put a smile on your face for sure.

#1. This is how Nala looks like when she watches Luna playing with meowmy.

Credit: cats_and_interieur_nalaluna

#2. “Stop playing with baby bro! Come back out and pet me, mommy!”

Credit: mochi.n.maru

#3. “Pretty sure that kitteh is not me, what the hell meow meow??”

Credit: silverspoonmeowbie

#4. When you try to take pictures of your dog but somebody thinks he is more photogenic…

Credit: golfo_and_the_bengal_brothers

#5. There’s NO jealously here at all… someone just woke up from her nap to find another kitty on my lap.

Credit: jd.jr.mccormick

#6. “Mama always bring new cats home!! Last time was Minnie and now is Garfield!!”

Credit: mickeyminniebysun

#7. Just another Caturday evening.

Credit: nancyglowinski

#8. Eddie’s in mommy’s lap and Mookie is so jealous.

Credit: boomer_eddie_mookie

#9. “So my Meowmy met my little brother today. I said I didn’t care but I am giving her the death look since she came back and now decided to go cray cray I’m the house to show her that it better not happen too often.”

Credit: twattusthefirst

#10. “Dad is not allowed to read, too!”

Credit: kmsmullan

#11. Kropka is really jealous of what’s going on here!

Credit: gang_of_four_official

#12. “Hey! Usually it’s me in the foreground! Lord Nugget wants to steal the show from me!”

Credit: nidalee_bengal_cat

#13. “Oops, I broke my big sister’s box. Not feeling sorry about it.”

Credit: sipulimanteli2020

#14. “Elfie went in MY cat tower! How very dare she!”

Credit: tortiedoubletrouble

#15. Someone claimed the guest dog’s bedroom.

Credit: kingfluffyoffluffington

#16. Our grandnephew came for a visit today, Ajax-the-Cat was unsure of the entire situation.

Credit: limhengswee

#17. Chester’s face if you accidentally call him “Georgie”…

Credit: madeleinepretorius

#18. The look Flame gives Lovey when they are both trying to get cuddles with mom.

Credit: flameandbros

#19. The look when he smells another furry kiddo we’re lookin’ after this week.

Credit: nobefun

#20. There to remind daddy she was here first, she’s definitely cuter, and wouldn’t he rather be paying attention to her?

Credit: letsgetsomechickens

#21. “I told mom she hasn’t posted many pics of me. She’s focused too much on my little bratty brother.”

Credit: stella__and__milo

#22. Why can I smell another animal on you?

Credit: lwarnell

#23. Watching your little brother get all the attention from mum and dad because he’s sick.

Credit: sprocketthemuppet

Please share this lovely collection with your friends and family!

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