
20 Hilarious Reasons Why Cat Owners Need To Own A Glass Table

Our feline friends tend to enjoy elevated places, so they love to jump and sit on tables or furniture that they’re able to reach. More accurately, they’ll sit, lay, sprawl, loll, and clean themselves on these places. For this reason, if you see your cat on a table, you don’t need to worry because it’s just their simple hobby. And of course, nobody can’t deny that these kitties look quite funny when seeing from underneath a glass table. They allow us to enjoy the world through a new view.

Thankfully, many cat owners from around the world have captured funny images of cats on glass tables and shared them on social media. Therefore, we decided to collect the best cat photos to prove that cats on glass tables are one of the most interesting things to watch on the Internet. So, stop whatever you are doing right now, take a break and enjoy our list below! Be prepared for lots of belly fluff!

1. A Curled Peet, Jellybean Toes Fully On Display

2. A Fine Delicacy, “Le Bootay”

3. Cat On Glass Table

4. Fat Loaf

5. Did You Just Say I Have Double Chin?

6. Pawties

7. Hover Cat

8. Detailed Study Of The Front Part Of A Catloaf #1

9. Cat Derping On A Glass Table

10. Cat On Glass

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