
20 Cats With Scowls That Will Make You Smile

All cats are cute and sweet, but there is something special about grumpy and angry cats that we can’t resist. Although they look angry and grumpy, they are still sweet and cute creatures.

There are plenty of adorably cranky-looking cats on the Internet, so we decided to collect 20 cats with the grumpiest scowls on their faces to share with you. Scroll down to see!

1. “My cat, after my 42nd picture of said cat.”

2. If looks could kill mode: activated

3. Plotting his revenge at this very moment [breaks into villainous cackle]


5. “When u mad but u gotta give em the ol razzle dazzle”

6. “Don’t. Even. Think. About. It.” — this cat

7. “I adopted two new kittens this week. Their older sister Cinnamon isn’t too pleased.”

8. “My neighbor’s cat regularly comes over to disapprove of us”

9. “Tried to take a picture of Smaug napping …

… It was not appreciated.”

“That, my lad, was a dragon.”

10. When you come home late and your cat is waiting to give you a lecture

11. Sir, there is no need for this sort of agression

12. “I rolled down the car window and discovered my co pilot hates wind”

13. A little privacy …


14. Lazers are charged & set to fury

15. 13/10 resting cat face

16. Lil cat, big gromp

17. Soot on my nose, you say?

18. Boo is an 11-year-old Silver Mackerel tabby cat capable of a serious snarl.

19. Rasputin is a Persian kitty whose haircut recently revealed quite a cranky face.

20. Juno’s biography lists him as 75% Himalayan, 25% Burmese, 100% Handsome.

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