Cats DogsPhotographer Travels To Cambodia To Capture The Life Of Cats And DogsMaria Vergara20/11/2020 by Maria Vergara20/11/202004166 Meet Paola Stella, an Italian photographer who loves animals and likes travelling. In order to satisfy his two passions, he has decided to create a...
CatsWoman Decorates Her Daughter’s Sandwich Bags With Cat DrawingsMaria Vergara20/11/2020 by Maria Vergara20/11/202003805 Today, we would like to tell you a story of a woman who went from doodling on her daughter’s sandwich bags to having worked in...
CatsPeople Are Photoshopping Their Cats’ Faces Onto Bees And The Results Are HilariousMaria Vergara18/11/2020 by Maria Vergara18/11/202006809 Recently, a user under the nickname mattjh shared a photo of a bee with the face of a cat on Reddit, and it quickly went...
Cats20+ People Who Hoped For Cute Cats But Ended Up With TroublemakersMaria Vergara17/11/202017/11/2020 by Maria Vergara17/11/202017/11/2020033604 Before you add a cat into your family, you will hope that he or she will be a “good” furry companion. However, anyone who has...
CatsSweet And Gentle Cat Daddy Supports His Partner During Giving BirthMaria Vergara16/11/202016/11/2020 by Maria Vergara16/11/202016/11/2020055539 Meet Yello, the proud father who supported his wife Tam during and after she gave birth. While Tam was in labor, Yello supported her by...
CatsThese Cats Are So Cute And Yummy That You Will Want To “Nibble” On ThemMaria Vergara13/11/2020 by Maria Vergara13/11/202003331 If you are a cat lover and a big fan of food, don’t skip this post as it is just for you. This post is...
CatsIllustrator Paints Twelve Zodiac Sign Constellations As CatsMaria Vergara12/11/2020 by Maria Vergara12/11/202004101 If you like stars and cats, don’t skip this post as it is just for you. Déborah Maradan, an interactive media designer and illustrator from...
CatsThis Siamese Cat Has His Own Special Way Of Doing YogaMaria Vergara11/11/2020 by Maria Vergara11/11/202007669 Meet Zuko, who is known as a cat yoga. Everyone calls him like that as he likes to stretch himself all the time. Whenever he...
CatsAussie Artist Sneaks Her Three Adorable Cats Into Her PaintingsMaria Vergara10/11/2020 by Maria Vergara10/11/202004607 No one can deny that pets are an endless source of joy and happiness in our lives. Therefore, it’s no wonder when they are a...
CatsArtist Creates Illustrations Of Cats That Are Inspired By Traditional Japanese And Medieval ArtMaria Vergara09/11/2020 by Maria Vergara09/11/202004504 Meet Jake Giddens, a talented artist from US, who has been illustrating professionally for 6 years. He has had the privilege to work on everything...