Cats DogsCat Loves His Dog Neighbor So Much He Visits Him Every DayMaria Vergara07/11/2020 by Maria Vergara07/11/202004269 Meet Mo, a ginger cat who is obsessed with his next door neighbor, a dog named Cricket. They are best friends and are crazy about...
Animals20 Flexible Pets Who Love Doing Yoga With Their HumansMaria Vergara06/11/2020 by Maria Vergara06/11/202003472 We do yoga to improve our mental and physical health. But we are not the only ones who do it. Our animal friends are no...
Animals CatsLittle Squirrel Loves Cat And Follows Him Everywhere He GoesMaria Vergara05/11/202006/11/2020 by Maria Vergara05/11/202006/11/202004169 Meet Tommy, a tiny red squirrel who has a big brother, a cat named Jack. They weren’t born of the same mother, but they are...
Cats20 Fluffy Friends Who Love Their Humans More Than AnythingMaria Vergara04/11/2020 by Maria Vergara04/11/202004700 You might not believe, but science can explain the chemistry behind your love for pets and their love for you. According to a neurochemical research,...
Cats20+ Sweet Photos That Show The Science Behind Why We Love CatsMaria Vergara03/11/2020 by Maria Vergara03/11/202005499 If you have a cat living in your home, you know the joy that these furry friends can bring to your life. But have you...
CatsCat Lost His Two Front Paws Learns How To Walk Like A HumanMaria Vergara02/11/2020 by Maria Vergara02/11/202004151 This handsome boy named Rex is on his way to becoming a super star on Tik Tok, where he has had over 117k followers. The...
Cats10+ Cats Who Know How To Find The Most Comfortable Place To ChillMaria Vergara30/10/202002/07/2021 by Maria Vergara30/10/202002/07/202108345 As cat owners or cat lovers, we know that cats, just like children, like novelty and exploring new places. They love turning weird and tight...
Cats DogsTwo-Legged Cat Loves Wrestling And Snuggling With Her Dog FriendMaria Vergara29/10/2020 by Maria Vergara29/10/202007003 Duck is a pretty special cat! When her dad adopted her, she was just a little kitten who lost her front legs. For this reason,...
CatsTiny Sick Kitten Grows Up To Be A Strong And Playful CatMaria Vergara28/10/2020 by Maria Vergara28/10/202005014 When Jennifer and Taylor met Hank, they were freaking out over how tiny the kitten was. She was tiny enough to fit in a shirt...
CatsCat Is Obsessed With His Dad And Begs For His Cuddles All Day LongMaria Vergara27/10/2020 by Maria Vergara27/10/202006651 If you think that cats are selfish and aloof, this post will change your mind immediately. Meet Archie, a cute cat who loves his dad...